A tried and tested branding
What Really Matters is our proprietary brand model and strategy process. It has been developed and refined over many years and has been used as the framework for all of our brand strategy projects.
A proprietary model at the heart of everything we do
Whether a business is starting out and wants to develop a new brand, or an established business wants to refresh its brand, we turn to our proprietary brand model, What Really Matters. It helps us to find clarity and focus that will also serve as the very best creative brief we could wish for. The model is flexible and with some adjustments can be made relevant for any market sector or business. But whichever iteration of the model we use we can be certain to get to the heart of the matter.
Putting our money where our mouth is
After much discussion, we felt the best way to demonstrate how What Really Matters works is to show you. As it was our tenth anniversary we decided to conduct a brand review of our own brand, to learn from the last ten years and plan for the future. We decided to film the process and share the outputs. Over the course of a couple of months, we’ll break down our process into segments and explain each one. After each segment we’ll show you how we applied it to our own brand. We’ll then share the final outputs with you and talk you through how we arrived at our own rebrand. At the end of the process, you can download our Brand Book which will become our bible for applying our identity and steering our communication moving forward.
What Really Matters
Making the decision to rebrand is not something that should be undertaken lightly. It effects every aspect of your operations and should only be done if it will positively impact your business. We had already decided to move the business to Brighton. But we had a number of questions that we wanted answered as we reached our tenth anniversary. Has our business changed? What has gone well in the last ten years and what hasn’t? Does our brand still reflect our business?

Brand heritage
Brand heritage is a company’s back story. Who founded the business, why, when and how? It’s about the people, the concept, the raison d’etre and the anecdotes.

The theory
In practice

Our customers
When we understand our customers, their motivations, pain points and the problems we’re trying to solve for them, we’re in a better place to create meaningful products and services. With better customer insight we’re able to communicate more effectively in a way that will be both engaging and more likely to result in loyalty and revenue.

The theory
In practice

Our competition
As the saying goes, ‘keep your enemies close.’ It’s a sure way to stay on top of the trends in your market sector. It’s also a great way to discover your likes and dislikes. But most importantly it helps us to understand where we sit amongst it all, and how to behave in accordance with our positioning.

The theory
In practice

Our personality
Your brand personality is how you present yourself. Are you the strong silent type or do you shout loudly? It’s your tone of voice and the way in which you deliver your brand articulation.

The theory
In practice

Our purpose
Brand purpose is what gets you out of bed in the morning. It’s not what you do, but why you do it. Put another way, it’s what you want to be remembered for, or it’s the challenge you’re trying to find an answer to.

The theory
In practice

Brand values
Brand values are not what you do but how you do it. It’s how you deliver a product or service, beyond the obvious hygiene factors such as the word, ‘professional.’ Brand Values constitute a value system of beliefs that impact on how you do business.

The theory
In practice

Points of difference
It’s possibly the toughest question of all. What makes us different? Many products and services are often similar, so how do we find our point of difference? This is where the brand becomes invaluable as differentiators can often come from the brand and its articulation.

The theory
In practice

Key messages
Key messages are exactly that. What are the key points of your business that you want to share with customers and stakeholders. Put another way, what are the key building blocks that underpin your brand and product offer.

The theory
In practice

What Really Matters
Drum roll, please. The result of our rebrand process is what really matters. It’s the essence of our business and brand. It’s what makes us tick and how we’re going to creatively articulate how we go about delivering our services.